Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 2011

Sean Update 1/10/11

Happy New Year to all. As we passed the year anniversary of the accident, the Nemazie's want you all to know how thankful they are for all the support that has fueled them to stay strong for Sean over the year. His progress continues to be very good. And his will to recover seems to get stronger each day.

Frank, Kathy and Timmy received the best present they could have asked for this holiday season as Sean was given permission to sleep overnight on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas morning with his family including Kathy’s mom, dad and sister. Santa brought Sean a new laptop and he is putting it to good use. Sean was also allowed to stay home on New Year’s Eve and fought through a little weariness to make it to midnight and see the ball drop!

Sean received “transfer” rights over the past few weeks from the rehab facility. This is a big step in Sean reestablishing his independence. The transfer rights allow him to get out of bed, and in to his wheelchair without supervision which greatly aids his independence. Sean asked for this on his own and worked hard to get the approval. Way to go Sean.

There is eye doctor appointment pending this week for Sean, but indications are that his vision is improving. Speech wise, Sean is still struggling, but continues to make an effort to speak to all who visit him. He is able to get the words out slowly and again, with his drive and the great people at Hartwyck helping out, we expect Sean to continue to improve. Mobility wise, Sean is still working on his ability to walk. He is able to stride with each leg but needs some assistance.

Uncle Dave and Aunt Cheryl came to visit yesterday among others. Great seeing you guys. Frank had a healthy supply of hoagies from the Hog Back Deli….probably still some left if you want to drop by!

More to come…..Steve