Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saturday Night, February 6

Sean's Uncle Steve arrived from Florida this week and has spent alot of time with Sean at Kessler. Last night, Steve spent the night with Sean and stayed with him all day today.

Steve was very upbeat about his time with Sean. Sean showed signs of movement with his arms when reacting to touching. Steve was able to get Sean to engage in a little game of tug-o-war with a sock. Sean also began blinking his eyes when asked questions. Maybe a little of that Florida magic was just what the doctor ordered.

Sean's therapists and doctors remain positive although Sean is not awake or fully conscious yet. When asked if they thought he is where he should be progress-wise, the doctor responded that "it is never as fast a recovery as we want it to be". He went on to say that he has seen patients recover faster and he has seen patients recover slower....everybody is different.

Lets all keep praying that the road Sean is on is the road to full recovery.

More to come......Steve


  1. Steve you are so much fun, just the up beat company Sean needed. Such great news Sean is engaging with blinks and playing a little tug-o-war with uncle Steve ;0). Praying for your full recovery Sean, keep it up!

  2. I'm sending prayers up from Missouri for Sean!

    Dave Riazi

  3. praise God for such wonderful uplifting news and for the therapists/doctors involved in sean's rehabilitation. from experience with my brother's rehabilitation,slow small steps toward recovery had longer lasting positive effects on the patients. sean is a strong young man he will do just fine.every day you will notice something new and different in the rehab. process; embrace those moments as they are just the beginning of wonderful progress yet to come. i look foward to visiting with him soon. what a fortunate young man to have such an amazing family. keep the faith, i know its tough but there is a light at the end. God Bless you all paula lotito and family.
