Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September 29, 2010

The improvement in Sean’s mobility took a couple strange turns over the past couple weeks. A few weeks ago he was walking very well (with assistance from the JFK staff) and then he had a bad week where progress seemed to stop. But, this past week, Sean came through and seems to be back on track. He was walking around the Nemazie house with assistance. So, progress is slow and sometimes requires lots of patience, but it is coming.

As far as his vision goes, he had an eye doctor appt last night and there was a marked improvement in getting that left eye to come in so the glasses seem to be helping him. He still sees double but things are improving slowly.

He got a new phone (with a keyboard) a week ago and is texting on his own now. I've noticed that he seems to be using his laptop more--checking Facebook and his fantasy football league. So, text Sean or hit him up on Facebook…he is awaiting contact.

Sean came home for his first overnight visit on Saturday 9/18. He did really well sleeping in his own bed for the first time since January (it was the first time he's actually been upstairs in the Nemazie house). He told Kathy that he was so glad to be home. They are hoping to do as many of those as they can especially around the holidays.

He also had a visit on Sunday 9/19 from three friends from UD. He really looked forward to their visit and they sat outside on the patio talking about school, eating pizza, and then watched some football. I used to think all they had down there at UD was memories of Joe Flacco. I’m really starting to like you folks.

Sean's visit to Yankee stadium was quite a hit up at JFK. Kathy put the pictures of him with Jeter, A-rod, Mariano, and Pettitte up on his door and it was the topic of conversation for a good week. People were asking to take some of the pictures. One of the aides took the one with Sean, Tim and Jeter and told Kathy she put it in a frame and has it on top of her TV! The staff at JFK was very appreciative that they did this for Sean and want to send a letter to the Yankees organization to thank them.

More to come…..Steve

Friday, September 10, 2010

10 September 2010

Here is a really good picture of Sean just after we told him he was going to be on the field to watch batting practice.
He seems excited.  

Sean Update 9/10/2010

As promised, a pretty cool Sean update! This past Saturday the entire Nemazie family went to the Yankees game……wait, let me start from the beginning….

About 2 years ago my wife Nancy served a man wearing a large World Series ring at the restaurant (Amarones) she works at. Never being one to hold her tongue, Nancy asked where the man got his ring. As it turns out, the man is Lonn Trost, the Chief Operating Officer for the New York Yankees. Nancy went on to tell Lonn that I was a life long Mets fan, so he doesn’t really speak to me. But, since then Nancy has seen and spoken to Lonn many times.

After Sean’s accident, Nancy asked the bartender, Tom, at Amarones to speak to Lonn (everyone loves bartenders) and see if he could get Sean an autograph or something. Time passed and no word came from Lonn. But, then about two weeks ago Nancy found out that Frank had acquired tickets to the Yanks game for this past Saturday. Low and behold, Lonn showed up for dinner at the restaurant. Tom reminded Lonn of Sean’s story while he enjoyed a pre-dinner cocktail.

A few days before the game, Lonn called Frank and invited the entire Nemazie family to be a guest of the Yankees on the field before their game against the Blue Jays. Not knowing how much they would see or how close they would be to the players, Frank and Kathy decided not to tell Sean too much on game day for fear that it may not be too big a deal and didn’t want to get his hopes up. But things worked out better than they could have imagined…..Sean was able meet and shake hands with Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Andy Petite, Mariano Rivera, and others. They were able to remain on the field for batting practice (which proved to be slightly better hitting than at the C’mon Sean Home Run Derby). The weather was perfect and I think the Yanks went on to win the game as well.

All in all, a great day for Sean…. And for at least a day, even I was a Yankee fan.

If you visit Amarones, be sure to tip Tom well….besides being a great guy, he makes a stiff drink.

More to come….Steve

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sean Update 9/2/10

Ok folks, I got the message…..too much time between blogs! It was summer and I got lazy…..back at work and back to the blog now. I will try to update every few weeks.

Keep an eye out for a special blog next week hopefully with pictures. That’s all I can say….been sworn to secrecy.

Sean has had a good summer. He has settled in to his new digs at Hartwyck in Edison and has become comfortable with getting around the halls in his wheelchair and working with the staff. Sean comes home almost every weekend these days. If you want to see him, please let Kathy or Frank know ahead of time. And bring food….the cupboards are getting bare. Last time I was there, Frank gave me an Old Milwaukee and a can of Spaghetti-Os. No offense to our young friends out there but I did my time at college and now have higher demanding taste buds.

The Nemazies have been taking Sean to the movies and dinner frequently as well. Most recently Sean went to see Inception and followed that up with renting Shutter Island with Timmy at his house. Despite taking in the two most confusing movies in recent history, Sean stayed focused and was able to follow all the plot twists. Eating wise, his motor skills are always improving….long gone are the days of having to help him eat….he does fine by himself now.

Sean recently was fitted for a pair of special glasses to help his vision by trying to get both his eyes moving in sync. They seem to be working well but it is another long path for Sean.

While vision and his cognitive skills continue to improve, his ability to talk and walk continue to be a battle. He is able to mouth words and sometimes get words out but it takes a big effort. Still, it is getting better and if we look back just a few months ago when there were not even attempts to talk, the progress is huge. Sean continues his physical therapy and there are subtle improvements in moving his legs but for now he is getting used to maneuvering his wheelchair.

As I said, check back next week for what should be something pretty sweet for Old Seanie!
